Cam-Thoth-A gathered up an eighteen foot long spear and headed to the top of the city wall.
Waspians were the bane of the dome’s existence. The adults were nine feet long and four feet
wide. They looked like the hornets of old earth, but their wings didn’t allow them to fly and they
lost them after two years of growth. Each was colored jet black. Their sting held a paralytic acid
capable of turning the victim to a mush that theWaspians could easily consume. Somehow they
were able to generate crystal objects like body armor and crystal spears for their use.
In mass, they fought in pairs with one creature unarmored and using two spears while the other
displayed a great deal of crystal armor and tried to use its sting on the same victim both creatures
fought. They communicated with each other using scent glands. The last time the Waspians
attacked, they made it over the wall and into the city.
The Pharaoh then was Apash-Ten-A. Tired of the long history of Waspian attacks, he offered
great rewards to thosewho helped figure out how to stop theWaspians. This newest attackwould
be the time of proof for all of those changes. One such change was the use of deadly plants. A tall
jungle spread out around Thebes. For the last five years certain plants were grown along the path
the Waspians always took. Cassava, Akar saga, Giddee, and Wolfsbane plants were grown with a
great deal of fertilizer and water spread over the poisonous plants. The alchemists enjoyed this
new growth as there were many uses for these deadly plants.
Abuzzing noisecrawled ahead of the legions of Waspians. Fromthewall, Cam-Thoth-Asearched
the horizon to the south and saw the beginnings of a blackness. The Waspians were cutting
down the jungle between their nest and Thebes. Thebes lay 34 miles north of the Waspian nest.
Waspian mandibles cut down the vegetation and others of them took the plants back to their
nest. In just a few minutes, the creatures reached the five mile mark before Thebes. They were
now cutting into the highly poisonous plants of the path and others of them were taking that
growth back to their nest.