Artificial Intelligence Entity (A.I.s)
= The central control persona, mass mind, or self aware
electron construct. Most of the A.I.s have a group of Androids within the complex that work for
them. These minds are vast and normally work together for the benefit of Humanity from their
individual point of views.
= Androids serving under thedome present themselves aswhite humanoidswith no features
to their faces. These are given a number according to their creation i.e. A-999. Androids that
work secretly in human society are given the names proper for their jobs among humans i.e.
Pharaoh Ransies IV-A.
Androids many work for one or more A.I.s openly or in secret. A few Androids are self aware and
self directed. A.I.s may project (or posses) themselves through a controlled Android to interact
with humans.
= These are the cranking mechanisms used in powerful heavy crossbows. The
cranks pull back the wire used to launch a metal crossbow bolt. The weapon is accurate up to
750 yards. This technology normally appears in the Middle Ages.
Egyptian Hieroglyph
= This is a type of pictograph writing used to convey messages to the
gods by scribes as well as communications between the temples and the people of the city of
Thebes. All humans in the Egyptian dome have been trained in writing this script.
Force Lance of Ra
= A piece of ancient technology that fires an ion blast doing a great deal of
destructive damage. Only the priests and Pharaoh Guards have the right to use these lances.
Reed Skiff
= A small boat made out of river reeds used in bird hunting and fishing along the
= This wooden device is used to drag the three ton cubes from the quarries to the
monument under construction. At the present time in the dome, a new 20 year project has been
started and one course of a pyramid has been built with plans to create a huge monument.
= A large maintenance facility under the three domes on the moon. The artificial
intelligence, security robots, and androids of this complex are there to make sure the three
domes of the Lunar Resort function normally and allow the humans in each dome to prosper.
Underlined Words
= The androids of the moon can communicate with each other using a
silent language. This is represented by underlining sentences in the text.
= Alien invaders who were stopped 300 years ago as they invaded the Egyptian dome.
Human nano technology stripped the aliens of all of their technology. TheWaspians were forced
to live a primitive existence in the Egyptian human dome.