March 19, 2024

I was sad to hear my friend, James M. Ward, passed beyond yesterday. Jim was a very upbeat kind of guy and a good man. He will be missed. Fairwell my friend. It was a true pleasure developing games together over the years, running games at the conventions, and engaging in fun discussions of the early days I am happy we met at Gary Gygax's home during his gaming Thursdays so many years ago.

In memory of James M. Ward, We made all his games a Free PDF download this past week. The free download week has ended. We have seen over 870 downloads this week and I hope as many games will be played over the weekend and through the next few months. Enjoy the content, the remaining projects Jim had completed or contributed to will be published over the next 8 months.

Stephen A. Lee


Lunar Resorts Anthology Vol II

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Volume 2 of the Lunar Resort Anthology. Many stories are sequels to the stories in Volume 1.

77 Worlds Lunar Resorts Anthology Volume 2 is a Collection of Short Stories by several Authors based in the simulated environments of the Lunar Resort Domes. Many of these stories fit nicely into the time period of each dome while others imply or outright expose the technology, aliens, and powers "behind the curtain".

§ Kingdom of Magic © James M. Ward                               

§ Clear the Air © Craig Martelle

§ Beneath Castle Camelot © Stephen A. Lee

§ Jewel in the Sky © Valerie Emerson                      

§ Battle of the Henge (Dragon Sword part 2) © Steve Peek

§ 20 20 20 (Rum Run part 2) © Jean Rabe

§ She Sang © Eddie Jonas

 Volume 2 of the Lunar Resort Anthology. Many stories are sequels to the stories in Volume 1.